Additional Resources

  • Giving Your Students Effective Feedback

    This ebook from GoReact reviews the basic elements of feedback and gives some helpful do’s and don’ts to keep in mind as you go.

  • Reading Each Other's Drafts

    Are you hesitant about peer review? Check out these two excerpts from Catherine Prendergast to gain some perspective on the approach.

  • 30 Formative Feedback Ideas

    GoReact has some creative solutions to keep your feedback strategies from getting stale.

  • 20 Ways to Cut Grading Time in Half

    From the Cult of Pedagogy, Jennifer Gonzalez provides practical tips to save you time without sacrificing course goals.

  • Strategies for Effective Peer Review

    LSU Communication Across the Curriculum’s Annemarie Galeucia shares the basics for giving and receiving valuable feedback.

  • Sample Rubric for Peer Review

    Professor Christina Rothenbeck, a C-I instructor in English, shares a substantive assessment to guide students as they perform a peer review.

  • Tech Tools: Audio/Visual-based Feedback

    Zoom (could use this for synchronous feedback sessions too)

    Jing (voice, screen)

    Screencastomatic (voice, screen, webcam) (time coded video feedback, Google add-on)

  • Tech Tools: Media for Creating and Grading Multimedia

    Voicethread for creating and providing feedback on multiple modes of assignments

    Flipgrid for creating and providing feedback on video submissions