Hear from Foreign Languages Prof. Mike Dettinger


I give feedback all semester long. When we do our since we have two to three analyses papers, two to three mini lectures throughout the whole semester leading up to the final project, each assignment that submitted each of these lower stakes tasks I'm giving them feedback. I might go a little bit heavier and more detailed on the initial set a task, or maybe even the first two, and say okay, you know I might break it down a lot more, use the reading a lot more and say okay, this is where we should improve this or let's look at this. And then, as they go along in the semester, it might require a little bit less. They kind of get an idea of what my feedback is going to be and I may just mark and use a few shorter words okay, go back to example one or look at this. Other things that I do I—I like to make voice recordings, as I like to talk out what I'm going to say. And then share that with them so they seem to react well to that also. And they get to hear my voice, and so I do this only when I have time, of course, but they seem to like that.


Hear from Agriculture Prof. Mike Kaller


Hear from Engineering Prof. Harry Toups